Join us to debate the growth of outsourcing as asset managers look to run tighter ships

SSGA head of operations Jesse Robinson among the speakers at our new New York breakfast briefing on June 27

Fund Directions would like to extend an invitation to an upcoming breakfast briefing being held by sister-title Fund Intelligence.

With fund boards taking an increasingly close look at the operational shifts at fund complexes, and the vendor due diligence questions being raised, we thought you would be interested in our briefing looking at The big debates on outsourcing as asset managers look to run tighter ships.

The breakfast event will feature a panel-led discussion with speakers including State Street Global Advisors Head of Investment Operations Jesse Robinson, Enfusion Global Head of Outsourced Middle and Back Office Services Matt McGarry and a number of other soon-to-be-announced industry experts.

Discussion will points include:

  • An overview of the range of tactics being used by fund complexes to manage fixed costs at a time when margins are being squeezed across the sector
  • Debate the rise of outsourcing in the sector, the type of functions that are increasingly being outsourced to third parties and the dilemmas for fund groups weighing up such moves
  • The pros and cons of build vs buy in terms of internal systems – navigating options around creating in-house expertise or outsourcing to a specialist
  • How are evolutions in technology driving various outsourcing options and how can managers best place themselves to take advantage of this?
  • How can outsourcing/co-sourcing decisions impact a firm’s bottom line?
  • Evolving investor thoughts on outsourcing – are allocators only impressed by ‘big brand’ partners? What are the big questions investors asking about a fund’s outsourcing practices?
  • From a governance perspective what are the big questions for fund boards when advisers are looking to outsource tasks and functions that were traditionally done in-house?

This is a free to attend event for all Fund Directions readers. It would be great to see you at the breakfast which will offer the chance to network with industry peers and the Fund Directions and Fund Intelligence teams alongside listening to the informed debate.

Places are limited so please click here to attend while seats are still available. The event will be held at The Lambs Club in Midtown, with a networking breakfast at 8.15 before the panel starts at 9am.
